“You sound for them the depths they sail above.”
Dr. R. Michael Hamby
The transition from pastoring a local church to engaging in Spiritual Direction and Retreat ministry was not a simple or swift one for me. My heart has always been deeply tied to the local church, and it remains so. I once resisted the idea of stepping away from that calling, certain that the pastoral role was where I was meant to be. But over time, and with much resistance, the Lord made His direction clear. He called me to something different—though not apart from my first love.
I came across the phrase “sounding depths” in a sonnet by Malcolm Guite. In a way, it encapsulated my own journey and calling. I’ve walked through deep waters—hardship, loss, and disappointment—and have learned that those depths are not only inevitable but necessary for a deeper understanding of the heart of God. Some may come to Spiritual Direction along calm waters, but I suspect most, like me, arrive having sailed through some stormy seas. Perhaps you’ve navigated some icy depths of your own.
If that’s where you find yourself, know that you are not alone. I’m here to walk with you, meeting you in those deep places, and I offer a prayer that you may soon feel the gentle tug of the One who “holds the long line.” In those moments of struggle, you may come to realize that the depths, difficult as they are, can be the very place where you discover the “everlasting arms underneath.”
After serving 25 years in pastoral ministry, I have a deep understanding of the challenges that come with leading others. That experience has fueled my passion for Spiritual Direction—especially for pastors and Christian leaders, who often feel alone in their journey. I believe that thriving spiritually is not just for the fortunate few, but for anyone willing to seek and listen with an open heart. My work as a Spiritual Director is to help people thrive, to help them find deep peace and rootedness, even amid the storms.
I hold a Doctor of Ministry in Spirituality from Southern Seminary. I am a Certified Soul Care Provider through Crosspoint Ministry. I am also a Certified Enneagram Trainer with the Wagner Institute. I am a certified Spiritual Director with Sustainable Faith and a Certified Life Coach through the Realife Process. I also enjoy helping couples as a Certified Marriage Enrichment Facilitator with Prepare/Enrich.
None of these credentials, in the end, can replace a loving presence that comes only through walking the long road with Jesus. It is with loving presence, and a willingness to sit in the depths with you, that I offer my ministry to you.